Go to Start > Administrative Tools > Local Security Policy to view Security Settings. Browse to Security Settings > Local Policies > Audit Policy and double click on Audit account logon events to view the Audit account logon events Properties window.
Select both the Success and Failure options and click OK to close the window.
While still in the Local Security Policy, browse to Security Settings > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment and double click on Log on as a service to view the Log on as a service Properties.
Add Administrator in “Add User or Group”To find the FQDN
On the Windows Taskbar, click Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Active Directory Domains and Trusts
In the left pane of the Active Directory Domains and Trusts dialog box, look under Active Directory Domains and Trusts.
The FQDN for the computer or computers is listed.Find NetBIOS
In the input box, type dsa.msc and hit OK
You should now be looking at your Active Directory Users and Computers configuration window.
Right-click your domain in the left pane and choose the Properties menu item
Your domain’s full DNS name is the first name listed in the General tab. Domain DNS names generally contain a period.
Your domain’s NetBIOS name is the pre-Windows 2000 entry in the same tab. Domain NetBIOS names generally do *not* contain a period.How to build Search DN Query
To search for the user in Active Directory, DN Query is placed. Query contains 3 components:
domain component (dc), organizational unit (ou), common name (cn). For example, when for fully
qualified domain name wijungle.httpcart.com, user is created under ou ‘support’ and cn
‘administrator’ the query is written as:
cn=administrator,ou=support, dc=wijungle, dc=httpcart, dc=comOpen WiJungle Authentication Suite App and follow below instructions:
1. Enter Admin Credentials
2. Enter Netbios name and Fully qualified domain name [Follow above mentioned procedure]
3. Open monitor tab and add subnet which should be monitored e.g.
4. Open Receiver tab and add WiJungle Appliances ip.
5. Enable Logoff detection if required and selection detection method as either Ping or WMI polling.
6. Go to advanced tab and enter WiJungle Appliance Ip to test out.Open WiJungle Firewall:
1. Go to User Management->Authentication Server
2. Click on “Add Server”->Enter information
3. Go to WAS Tab->Enale the switch
4. Go to “Prepaid Voucher & PMS / PMS Management” and enable WiJungle
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