How to create Route based IPsec VPN

In this mode, routing table can be used to send the specific traffic into the IPsec connection. It attaches an Virtual Tunnel Interface(VTI) to a single connection which is dynamically added into interfaces.
We can perform below operations on this interface:
1. Set Interface IP Address
2. Use in Static Unicast Routes
3. Use in Policy Based Routing

To proceed with this configuration, follow steps as below:

a) Navigate to VPN & CERTIFICATE > IPSEC Configuration.
b) Enter Name & set Key exchange to IKEv2
c)  Configure other parameters as per the requirement

d)  Navigate to VPN & CERTIFICATE > IPSEC > IPSEC Connections
e)  Enter Name & Select Connection Type > Create Interface
f)   Set Gateway Type to Respond Only
g)   Select the above created IPSEC Configuration
h)   Select rest of the parameters as per the requirement

i) Click Save & Activate the Connection

j) Go to Interfaces, you can see a dynamic virtual tunnel interface is created

h) Press edit icon and set the interface ip address

i)  Go to More Utility->Routing->Add Unicast Route

j) Add access rules as per the requirement.

Note: If the ipsec tunnel is deleted then linked Virtual Tunnel Interface & its respective routes would be removed.






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