How to bypass authentication for a device to access internet?

WiJungle – (UTM + Hotspot Gateway) appliance supports four different types of policies for easy management of network.
Among the four; MAC, IP & Interface based policies can be applied on the device to bypass authentication.

Process A (MAC Whitelist or MAC Based Policy):

Pre-requisite: Administrator should have Write privilege of User Group and MAC WList/BList. 

Step 1: Go to User Management -> User Group.
Step 2:  Click on Add Group button -> Select MacBypass Group option -> Fill the details like Name and Description -> Select Allowed Locations, required Bandwidth and Filtering Policy & click save to create the group.

MACbypass Group
Step 3: Go to Network -> More Utility -> MAC WList/BList.
Step 4: Click on MAC Whitelist tab -> Select the created MACBypass Group -> Enter the device/s MAC address & click save to apply policy on the device.

The internet would work as per the defined bandwidth and filtering policy in MACbypass group.

Process B (Clientless Device or IP Based Policy):

Pre-requisite: Administrator should have Write the privilege of User Group and Clientless Device.

Step 1: Go to User Management -> User Group.
Step 2:  Click on Add Group button -> Select Clientless Group option -> Select required Bandwidth and Filtering Policy -> Click save to create the group.

Step 3: Now go to Network -> More Utility -> Clientless Device.
Step 4: Select the created Clientless group -> Enter the IP address of device/s & click save to apply policy on device.

The internet would work as per the defined bandwidth and filtering policy in Clientless group.

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